I love that quote and wholeheartedly agree with it. However.. every once in a while life gives you moments that remind you of just how much time has passed.. and just how old you're getting. And I'm thankful for those moments, for they remind me of just how precious every second spent with my family is. One of those special moments happened for me this past weekend when my baby brother went to his senior prom.
I was 12 when Pietro was born.. and my latina, mommy skills naturally bubbled up and I found myself volunteering to go and rock him to sleep, feed him or give him a bath.
And can you blame me? Look at this kid!
And 18 years later I found myself happily volunteering to go and snap pictures of him and his lovely girlfriend Brenna before they went off to dance the night away. And I know he's been anxious to get the photos.. but first I just wanted to do a little something to tell the world how very ridiculously proud of him I am. I still insist that I am our mother's favorite child, but Pietro has given me a serious run for my money. He's athletic, charming, hecka smart (almost ALL straight A's throughout his ENTIRE education and will be going to UC Davis this fall to become a veterinarian), hardworking, driven, and most amazing of all is.. his heart. Personally I think its the perfect combination of Costarican and Italian blood that creates an intense passion for everything and everyone in his life... and obviously his girlfriend is not an exception.

On a final note, I love how he treats Brenna like the princess she is... and for any of you cynics who may be rolling their eyes at their high school romance, chalkin it up to "puppy love"... I should note that my other "baby" brother Mario, married his high school sweetheart.
Just sayin :P Love you baby brudder.
Just sayin :P Love you baby brudder.
Thank you so much for that sis! :-) You've been so much a second mother to me, even when I least want it. Thank you just doesn't sum it up. Love you!