Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm Hungry (literally & figuratively)

I've been having a pretty insane week. So it figures that I've decided to get all serious about my blogging.. in the midst of everything else I have going on. I saw 7 therapy clients today.. which involved driving all over Long Beach and L.A... then went straight to LBCC to work on editing/printing photos for 3 hours.. came home.. checked email, worked a bit.. and now I'm sitting here.. blogging. Dinner? What dinner?

And I have to admit that the sudden motivation to be "on top of it" is being driven by an emailed request for info that I logged for Brady the other day: "Are you available to photograph a wedding in Tuscany, Italy in June?" Hmm.. he's not.. but wouldn't it be great if I was? Even better.. wouldn't it be great if I was AND I was at a level professionally where Brady could refer them to me? So.. here I am.. blogging... and wanting to take more pictures.. and wanting to be a better photographer.. and as if the universe has heard my thoughts.. opportunities to do just that have been falling into my lap!

This Saturday I'll be shooting pics for RxStars.. a Crossfit workshop series for women.. and I am SO pumped about it! And then.. earlier today I starting chatting with someone who was editing some pics at the computer next to me.. and before I knew it.. I was agreeing to 2nd shoot a wedding with her in June!

I'm just thankful.. and blessed.. and excited! And.. I have to ever so humbly and quietly admit that there is a tiny little voice coming from who knows where.. that is saying, "I can do this!"

And here are the two photos that I recently submitted for the LBCC Photofest Competition.. one of which (the cameras) I won 2nd place for in the Color Category!!! and the other which didn't place.. but is probably one of my favoritest (this is a blog, not a thesis) photos I've ever taken!

Thanks to Brady for lending me his home, and his collection of vintage cameras.. and once again, thanks to Joe for being such a good sport!

And this first one was taken on my mom's point and shoot cuz she's all proud of me and stuff. :)

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